尊敬的各位玩家,近期市場上出現一家 “SMI第二季-財富傳奇的公司,假借公司的名義,冒充黃總的名號,在市場上混淆視聽,大肆行騙。在此公司鄭重聲明:finnciti 僅此一家,別無分號。www.finnciti.com 是公司的唯一網址。所有市場上的假冒公司,都與本公司無關。請大家提高警惕,互相轉告,避免上當受騙,謝謝!

Dear Players, there is an on-going scam under the project/company known as "SMI Season 2" and they are not related to us. We hereby wish to clarify that there is only one www.finnciti.com and we do not have any relation with third-party provider. 


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